Announcements regarding any return to Remote and Flexible Learning will be made here.

Crusoe College is committed to ensuring that our students are still be able to access a viable curriculum through accessing online learning resources from home, as well as paper based resources for those who do not have access to a device or the internet.

The following arrangements are in place to support students, whether they are learning at school, or from home. Please note that while the College is prepared to commence remote learning, it won’t always be perfect and we will learn as we go. Our plan includes ways parents and students can be guided as to whom questions should be directed as well as specific expectations associated with all involved in this online learning experience.

Students are advised, where possible, to continue their learning in 70 minutes blocks of time throughout the day as they would at school. This will assist teachers with co-ordinating online video meetings, where the entire class can be contacted through a program such as GoogleMeet. Teachers will set online learning tasks on Compass under the Learning Tasks tab, that students will be able to access. They will let students know if, and when they will meet in an online video class.

Teacher Responsibility

  • Teachers will be working hard to develop high quality learning materials that can be accessed at home. These resources will be able to be accessed via Compass
  • Teachers will be available online during school hours for students and parents to contact them via email or through Compass with queries regarding student learning tasks.
  • Teachers will make reasonable adjustments for students who do not have access to technology at home, which includes hard copy learning packages to be sent home on request.

Student Responsibility

  • Students will need to log into Compass on a regular basis. Online learning materials will be located under the Learning Tasks tab. They will be titled Online Learning Task.
  • If you are unable to access Compass from home, please contact your teacher/s by email who will make other arrangements for you to access the materials.
  • Work steadily as though it is a normal school day.
  • Maintain communication with the school and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Your teacher/s are your first point of contact. If you need to, you can also contact your Learning Community Leader.
  • Updates regarding the current situation will be posted on Compass and social media. Keep informed and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Download Compass on your phone to gain access to online learning resources.
  • Inform your classroom teacher if you don’t have access to online learning and require alternative work to be provided.

Parent Responsibility

  • This is home based or remote learning, not home schooling. Parents are not expected to become their child’s teacher during this time. The classroom teacher will remain the primary deliverer of the educational requirements to their students.
  • Parents are however, required to provide a suitable learning space to learn for their child.
  • Parents should encourage their child/ren to contact their classroom teacher during their normal class time to seek assistance from teachers, ask questions etc.
  • Parents are encouraged to check Compass for work that has been set by classroom teachers.
  • Encourage your child to work steadily, but also monitor their stress and wellbeing.
  • Maintain communication with the school and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Your child’s subject teacher/s and Advisory teacher are your first point of contact. Other specific contact information will be provided to students according to their year level and class.
  • Updates regarding the current situation will be posted on Compass and social media. Keep informed and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Download Compass on your phone to gain access to online learning resources.
  • Inform your child’s classroom teacher if you don’t have access to online learning and require alternative work to be provided.

Access to Wellbeing Support

If your child requires wellbeing support, please contact our Wellbeing Team at:


Useful Websites

Department of Education
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advice
Learning from Home


Edrolo– VCE students only

Education Perfect


Essential Assessment


Google Meet
Works with GoogleChrome


Text to Speech

If you are unsure of your username / password to access these sites, please contact your classroom teacher.