The College employs approximately 75 teaching staff and 30 ancillary staff.
Each year a small number of staff retire or change employment or have extended leave. These positions are advertised within the Recruitment On-Line web site.
DEECD Recruitment Online
The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registers teachers working in Victorian schools. All practising Victorian teachers are required to be registered by the VIT.
Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT)
Current Positions
Please consult recruitment online for an up-to-date list of current positions.
Casual Relief Teaching (CRT)
Valuable experience can be gained in casual or short-term teaching positions. This type of employment may suit your lifestyle needs and allows you to ascertain if teaching at a particular school or location suits you.
Because of the nature of the CRT employment it is important to make contacts and become known in the area where you are seeking employment.
Make an appointment to visit and discuss employment opportunities with Wendy Mapperson (Daily Organiser), Crusoe College