Year 6 to Year 7 Enrolment

All applications for Year 7 enrolment at a government secondary school are subject to the following principles:

  • To provide each child with the right to a place in the designated neighbourhood school
  • Wherever practical to provide parents/guardians with the opportunity to enroll their child at the same school as that being attended by an older sibling who resides at the same permanent address
  • To contain enrolments in each secondary school within the limits of resource as determined by the Regional Director
  • All requests from parents living outside the specific designated neighbourhood zone will be considered by the principal at each government secondary school. It must be noted however, that all placements are subject to the availability of accommodation at a particular school.

Where there is insufficient accommodation at a school for all students who seek entry, students are enrolled in the following priority order:

  • Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood government school
  • Students with a sibling at the same permanent residence who are attending the school at the same time
  • Where the regional director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school
  • Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds
  • All of the students in order of closeness of their home to school
  • In exceptional circumstances, compassionate grounds

There are many things to consider ensuring the school is the best fit for your child’s learning and development, such as location, enrolment availability, curriculum focus, facilities and extra curricula activities. When considering which school would be more likely to suit your child’s educational needs, you may also wish to discuss the matter with your child’s Year 6 teacher or primary school principal who will be able to provide personalised and customised advice. You should also take the time to visit secondary school open days, participate in school tours and attend information nights. Should you have any questions please contact our Transition Officer, Ms Gay Turner on 5447 7722.

Year 8 to 10 Enrolment

Demand for entry to Crusoe College at these levels is high. Places are offered at the college to those students outside our school zone area only if there are vacancies. The number of vacancies varies significantly from year level to year level. Applicants will need to complete an Enrolment Enquiry Proforma.

Support or questions should be directed to Ms Liz Woodward on 5447 7722 or