The College’s curriculum structure is designed to facilitate a personalised approach to learning for students. We try to quickly determine the Literacy and Numeracy levels of our new students by using a range of assessment tools.

We then provide learning opportunities at a range of levels to build our students’ skills. In Year 7 students spend most of their time in compulsory, core subjects developing key skills and competencies. They are also introduced to a number of elective modules, from which they can choose to study in more depth during the second half of the year. As students move into the senior years of schooling they are provided with more choice of curriculum according to their pathways planning.

Domain Minutes per week
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Advisory 100 (5x 20) 100 (5 x 20) 100 (5×20) 100 (5x 20)
English 280 (4x 70) 280 (4x 70) 280 (4x 70) 280 (4x 70)
Mathematics 280 (4x 70) 280 (4x 70) 280 (4x 70) 280 (4x 70)
Science 140 (2x 70) 140 (4x 70) 140 (2x 70) 140 (2x 70)
Humanities 140 (2x 70) 140 (4x 70) 140 (2x 70) 140 (2x 70)
Modules 280 (4x 70) 420 (6x 70) 420 (6x 70)
Languages 140 (2x 70) 140 (2x 70)
PE/Health 140 (2x 70) 140 (2x 70)
Art/ Performing Arts 140 (2x 70)
Design / Technology 140 (2x 70)

Victorian Curriculum

The curriculum we offer our students is in accordance with the current Victorian Curriculum. The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship. The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards

For more details see

Junior School Programs

Year 7

In Year 7 students undertake 6 core subjects consisting of English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Health & PE and one of (LOTE) Chinese, French, German or Indonesian. For the duration of the year, students in Year 7 will rotate through 8 different modules (two per term) in order to gain some first-hand knowledge and experience in these subjects. These subjects are: Art, Drama, Food Technology, Multimedia, Music, Robotics, Technology and Textiles.

A copy of the current Year 7 curriculum structure is available for download here.

Year 8

Year 8 students undertake 6 core subjects consisting of English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Health & PE and continue with the LOTE they studied in Year 7. Each semester, students elect two modules they would like to study with for the entire duration of the semester. These subjects are: Art, Drama, Food Technology, Multimedia, Music, Sport Education, Technology and Textiles.

Senior School Programs

Year 9

Year 9 students undertake 4 core subjects consisting of English, Mathematics, Humanities and Science. They are able to then select three more subjects from a range of modules offered to Years 9 & 10 students each semester. These are in the Domains of The Arts, Health and Physical Education, LOTE, and Technology as well as extension programs in core Domains.

Year 10

Year 10 students undertake the core subjects of English and Mathematics. Most students will select two semesters of Humanities and Science. They are able to select 3 more subjects from a range of modules offered to Years 9 & 10 students each semester.

There are two broad pathway programs offered to students:

  • Pathway 1: Looking towards The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
  • Students electing this pathway do so with the intent of attending Bendigo Senior Secondary College.
  • Pathway 2: Looking towards the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
  • Students electing this pathway do so with the intent on embarking on a VCAL course at Bendigo Senior Secondary College or TAFE.

VCE Programs

Year 10 students have the opportunity to undertake a VCE Unit 1 and 2 subject as part of their Year 10 course.

This option is best suited to students who:

  • Are well organised, with demonstrated time management and work completion record.
  • Are achieving above average grades within the subject or similar subject area they would like to select as their Year 11 subject.

VET Programs

Year 10 students have the opportunity to commence a VET Certificate as part of their Year 10 course.

The VET option is suited to students who:

  • Are thinking of obtaining an apprenticeship or traineeship after school
  • Would like to gain an industry qualification
  • Enjoy practical based learning environments;
  • Want to obtain part-time work in an industry