Parents/Carers/Guardian Support

Crusoe College encourages parents to be actively involved in their child’s education. Some things you can do to ensure that your child has a successful and enjoyable time at Crusoe include:

  • Send your child to school every day. All students should aim for a 100% attendance rate
  • Ensure that your child is in full school uniform with the required books and materials
  • Make sure work is being completed, check diary use, provide a study location at home and develop homework habits
  • Contact your child’s Advisory Teacher to discuss any concerns
  • Attend Parent / Teacher interviews
  • Ring or email the College before 9:30am for any short term absence. Please note you can leave a message 24 hours / 7 days a week.
  • Support the College camp and excursion program by your child attending the camp / excursion or regular school
  • Where possible, attending extra-curricular programs your child is involved in
  • Actively promote the College in the community

Parent/Carers/Guardian Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews are held at various times throughout the year. Parents/ carers/guardians will receive notification of the online booking system prior to the interview. Interviews are 10 minutes in length, and parents/carers/guardians are encouraged to make alternative arrangements if they would like to speak for longer than 10 minutes or to contact the College prior to the interview date if required.

Prior to the interview, speak with your child to find out how they’re going and if they have any concerns that need raising at the interviews. Generally the interviews provide parents/carers with an opportunity to:

  • Meet your child’s teachers. Even if your child seems to be progressing well, it is still a valuable opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers
  • Discuss the curriculum content, and find out what work your child has due, or needs to submit
  • Discuss future learning strategies to assist your child with their learning

Please remember: All students are strongly advised to attend the interviews with their parents.

College Council

The College Council has direct authority for the educational and financial policy of Crusoe College. In addition, the College Council provides guidance in the care and maintenance of grounds and buildings. Elections for approximately half of the membership are conducted annually prior to March 31st. The constituted membership is as follows:

  • Five Parent representatives
  • Four DEECD Employees
  • Three Community members (members are co-opted and cannot be DEECD employees). One Community member position is reserved for a Parents’ Club representative
  • Student representative
  • Principal (Executive Officer)