Crusoe College’s Attendance Policy clearly outlines the expectations and processes surrounding students’ attendance.

Regular college attendance is imperative for improved learning, participation and achievement of educational outcomes. When a student is absent, the parent / carer is required to either phone the College’s Absence Line (4433 4455) to inform of the absence, or send a note to the child’s Advisory Teacher. If a note has not been received within three working days providing an explanation, the family can expect to receive a letter home to explain the absences. If students continue to be absent without reason, parents / carers and students will be required to attend a meeting with the child’s Community Leader. Data collection with regard to attendance allows the school to put in support processes for students who are experiencing issues with attendance.

In the case that your child is going to be away for an extended period of time, for example; family holiday, medical reasons, etc, please contact your child’s Advisory Teacher to inform them, and so that they can organise a Student Absence Learning Plan.

Absences can now also be recorded using the Compass online portal. Instructions on how to do this are in the Compass parent guide which can be accessed here via the attendance tab.

College Absence Line
(03) 4433 4455
Compass Portal