As of January 2018, Crusoe College has operated a Learning Excellence Program offering academic extension and enrichment for students who are working above the expected level in academic ability at Years 7, 8 and 9.
The needs of academically capable students are catered for through the Learning Excellence Program. This program operates in the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Humanities from Years 7 – 10, and Foreign Languages from Years 7 – 9. Students also participate in Physical Education as well as explore a range of Arts and Technology subjects. The Learning Excellence Program provides the opportunity for like-minded students who have been selected on the basis of their performance to be placed in a form group together, where they are provided with an academically challenging program.
Due to the ongoing success of the program, we are pleased to offer this program again to students from Years 7 – 10. The program will have places for a limited number of capable and committed students. Students interested in participating in this program will need to submit an application to be considered.
Crusoe College’s Learning Excellence program aims to provide opportunities for all students to achieve their full potential, through the educational program provided at the college as well as by connecting with higher education providers and local businesses.
What does Academic Extension and Enrichment mean?
The Learning Excellence program provides students with an opportunity to progress through the Year 7 to 10 curriculum more quickly. Courses studied are, in many cases, the same as those provided for the most academically able students in mainstream classes. Learning Excellence program students will be required to complete extra courses of study and will be offered a variety of learning experiences designed both to develop their skills and competencies, while providing challenging and motivating learning experiences. Students are encouraged to actively engage in external competitions, such as the Australian Maths Competition, debating, public speaking and relevant foreign language competitions.
What will the Learning Excellence class look like?
All students in the Learning Excellence program will be placed in a year level based form group together. Students in the Learning Excellence program may be required to pay a yearly fee to cover costs of resources and some extension activities. Exact costs will be determined on a yearly basis. Scholarships (means tested) and payment plans may be available to successful students.
What curriculum will my child be taught?
Students who are in the Learning Excellence program will undertake the following subjects:
Year 7
Module Program
Year 8
Module Program
Year 9
Module Program (including PE; Arts; Technology etc.)
Year 10
Language (preferred)
VCE Units 1 & 2 (range of subjects to choose from)
Module Program
Who should apply for the Learning Excellence program?
Students who:
- Have a love of learning
- Require a genuine challenge with their studies.
- Are consistently performing well above expected levels according to their teachers’ assessment
- Are independent and responsible for their learning
- Have well developed literacy and numeracy skills
- Students who are involved in extra-curricular activities such as sport and music.
- Students who are self-motivated and well organised.
Please note: Some academically capable students may choose to not apply for the program as the style of learning may not suit them. These students will still be provided with a rigorous learning program in other classes.
How does my child apply for the program?
- Download the Expression of Interest form here: Word Document / PDF Document
- Please complete all components of the Expression of Interest and return it to Crusoe College as soon as possible.
- Full application forms will be sent to interested families early Term 4, and families will be notified of a place in the Learning Excellence Program in November.